Let’s deposit Fiat into Remitano Wallet right away to earn 10% to 100% voucher cashback of your first Fiat deposit. Total cashback is up to 10.000 USD
Promotion period: June 1st 2022 to June 30th 2022
Applied for markets: NG, KE, MY, ZA, IN, PH, GH
What is Remitano Fiat?
Who can paritipate?
How to participate?
Rewards – Timelines
What is Remitano Fiat?
Who can participate?
Users have to meet 2 requirements below:
- (1) Have NOT deposit FIAT before June 1st 2022
- (2) Do NOT withdrawal FIAT within 3 days since your First fiat deposit
If you haven’t had Remitano account, register HERE
How to participate?
Users need to do 2 simple steps below:
- Step 1: Deposit FIAT into Remitano Wallet
- Step 2: Check your last 4 number of UserID at this page referal + Comment your last 4 number of UserID at the comment section of this post
- Each user only comment once.
- Users who haven’t not finished all above 2 steps would not be qualified to earn the reward
Rewards and Timelines
Remitano shares the total prize of 10.000 USDT among users by vouchers which are valued from 10% to 100%, based on the total number of valid participating users. The maximum an user earns is 1.000 USDT
A valid users must meet 2 below requirements:
- Comment only once in this post
- Deposit FIAT within promotion period
Note: The promotion reward will be paid according to the total valid users in all applying markets.
Users who have the closest last 4 numbers of UserID to the last 4 numbers of BTC/USDT Price at 12h00 GMT+7 on Bitstamp on July 1st 2022 will get the vouchers. Reward will be paid on July 7th 2022. The closer your UserID is, the higher voucher you will get.
For example: Last 4 numbers of BTC/USDT Price at 12h00 GMT+7 on May 24th 2022 on Bitstamp was 7382 (decimal numbers is included)
Lucky users who get the voucher will be updated in this post on July 7th 2022
Important notes:
- Cashback Voucher is only applied for the VERY FIRST fiat Deposit, up to $1000. The maximum cashback of Voucher 100% is $1.000, voucher 50% is $500, voucher 20% is $200, voucher 10% is $100.
- For example: Your first Fiat Deposit is $1500. If you get voucher 50%, your cashback would be $500. If you get voucher 100%, your cashback would be $1000.
- Users who withdrawal Fiat out of Remitano within 3 days since the First fiat deposit will be not allowed to earn the reward.
- To ensure fairness, Remitano reserves the right to disqualify participants from receiving prizes in case of detecting fraud, creating virtual accounts or failing to fully follow the above program rules. Remitano reserves the right to modify any rules in the program as it deems appropriate. Remitano’s decision regarding the program is final.